
Why your elliptic curve needs a large prime order subgroup

The idea is to factor the order of E(Fq)E(F_q) into a product of prime powers, solve the ECDLP into smaller subgroups and reconstruct the answer into our original group using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT).

Take a generator of E(Fq)E(F_q), say PP. We want to solve Q=kPQ = kP. Since we know the order of E(Fq)E(F_q), we can decompose it to prime-power factors. First, we will solve ("find kk") this ECDLP instance into those smaller pairwise-prime order subgroups. Then, using the CRT, we will get our final answer for kk in the original group.

Note that solving the ECDLP into those much smaller and tractable subgroups can run in parallel.

As an example, we define a curve over F1021F_{1021}, which has order 966 and for which we compute its prime factor decomposition:

F = GF(1021)
E = EllipticCurve(F, [905, 100])
P = E(1006, 416) # curve generator
Q = E(612, 827) # we want to solve for k in Q = kP
E_order = E.order()
assert E_order == 966

primes = prime_factors(E.order())
assert primes == [2, 3, 7, 23]

Now, we define a helper function to solve the ECDLP in each of our subgroups:

def solve_ecdlp_in_smaller_subgroup(P, Q, cofactor):
    # map P and Q into smaller subgroup
    P_prime = cofactor * P
    Q_prime = cofactor * Q
    # solve an "easier" discrete log, uses the baby-step giant-step algorithm by default
    k = discrete_log(Q_prime, P_prime, operation='+')
    return k

We will store our residues and modulis for each of the ECDLP that we will solve:

residues = []
modulis = []

# map P and Q to smaller subgroups and solve ECDLP there
for p in primes:
    cofactor = E_order / p
    k = solve_ecdlp_in_smaller_subgroup(P, Q, cofactor)

And that's why you want your curve to have the largest subgroup prime order possible: the complexity of solving the ECDLP is the complexity of solving the ECDLP in the largest subgroup (23 here)!

Using the chinese remainder theorem, we can now compute kk:

k = CRT(residues, modulis)
assert k * P == Q # True
